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Kitchen Renovation Trends You Must Apply In Your Own Home

Now, you are at store and you want to buy eco-friendly home items. Find the products with Energy Star label. Energy Star is a sign indicating the model far exceeds the federal minimum requirement. If the product you buy has Energy Star sticker, it means that the product is energy efficient.

Another reason to be wary of big markdowns on home appliances is because the appliance may have something wrong with it. Sometimes stores will mark an appliance down because of a scratch or small dent in the exterior, and most people won't mind these things. However, if you see an appliance marked down and you cannot find anything wrong with it, make sure to ask the store exactly what is wrong with the appliance. There could be something broken inside the mechanism, or the warranty on the appliance could be void.

Affects Personal Hygiene: after a bath, it is difficult to feel clean as there is a soapy film which remains on the skin. This leaves the skin feeling dry. The effects are not just limited to your skin but also the hair. The filmy residue makes the hair look dull and feel limp. Your clothes are not left out either as the life span of clothes is greatly reduced with repeated washing.

If your fridge has a water dispenser, make sure you disconnect it to the water source. Sometimes, RCA CAble can freeze in the coils. You should wait until frozen coils have already defrosted.

Unplug when not in use. This rule still applies and in fact this is one of the golden rules for any energy conservation at home. Even as simple as unplugging the television set when not in use, unplugging chargers if you are already done with the charging as well as unplugging every home appliance that is not in use. Putting them on standby still consumes energy and a number of appliances placed in standby and plugged can still consume a large amount of energy.

Number Two - Refrigerator: If you did not buy yourself a fridge you would need to live near a frozen lake or pond in the winter and build an underground cold storage facility for the summer months. Food needs to kept cold to stay fresh. That is a fact of life, and unless you want to cut out giant blocks of ice in the winter for your ice box, you will need a fridge.

Get a programmable thermostat for your home. A programmable thermostat is very useful in helping you save home energy. You can save 2% of your home heating needs for each degree that you turn down your thermostat. With the use of a programmable thermostat, you can automatically lower your thermostat setting even when you are asleep at night or when there is nobody home.

Once you have the reading, you are ready to do the calculation. Look on the electric meter find something printed like "kh X.X", where "X.X" is some number, normally is 7.2. This figure is called Kh factor.